Prin credinta a fost mutat Enoh de pe pamânt, ca sa nu vada
moartea. Si n-a mai fost gasit, pentru ca Dumnezeu îl mutase. Caci
înainte de mutarea lui, primise marturia ca este placut lui
Dumnezeu. Evrei 11:05
joi, 7 iunie 2012
Secretele lumilor Astrale.: Dispozitivul Zapper cel care vindeca Cancerul si SIDA
Zapper este pur si simplu un aparat electric care ucide bacteriile,
virusii si parazitii, folosind câmpuri electromagnetice pe principiul
Nu este nevoie sa alegeti o frecventa specifica sau sa baleiati o
gama de frecvente.
Nu conteaza la ce frecventa este reglat, acest dispozitiv distruge
prin armonici magnetice "invadatorii" mici si mari:tramatode,
ascarizi, capuse, bacterii, vitrusi, fungi. Ii distruge pe toti odata, in 10
minute, chiar si la 5 volti.
Zapper, a fost initial descoperit de Dr. Raymond Rife,
în anii '30, din secolul 20. Pentru un motiv sau altul, descoperirea a fost
neglijata pâna când Dr. Hulda Clark din SUA
si-a publicat lucrarile stiintifice în cartea "Vindecarea tuturor
bolilor", pe baza teoriilor lui Rife.
Hulda Clark folose??te metode de tratare a tuturor bolilor cauzate de
virusi si bacterii, folosind impulsuri electrice provenind de la o baterie de 9
Dr. Hulda Clark sustine ca toate bolile si afectiunile medicale,
inclusiv SIDA si cancerul, sunt un fel de infectie - infectie cu paraziti.
Toate bacteriile, ciupercile, virusii, viermii si viermii intestinali sunt
Statisticile arata ca în tara noastra în fiecare an se îmbolnavesc de
cancer 31.000 de persoane, iar 21.000 din ele decedeaza. Numarul total de
pacienti, 265.000, indica faptul ca metodele si medicamentele nu sunt eficiente,
si, în plus, sunt scumpe.
Medicii au stabilit de mult timp ca toate bolile din corpul nostru, cu
exceptia fracturilor, sunt cauzate de virusi, bacterii si paraziti. Aceste microorganisme sunt foarte sensibile la
impulsurile electrice si pot fi chiar omorâte cu un curent electric de foarte
joasa tensiune (de la 5,5 la 10 V, cu câtiva miliamperi).
Dr. Hulda Clark sustine în continuare ca utilizarea Zapper este foarte
eficienta împotriva oricarei afectiuni, si, în multe cazuri, duce la vindecarea
completa a cazurilor grave de cancer si SIDA într-o perioada scurta de timp.
Potrivit Dr. Clark, Zapper normalizeaza
tensiunea arteriala, nivelul zaharului din sânge, stabilizeaza metabolismul ai
elimina toxinele din organism.
Mai multe detalii despre teoriile de Dr. Hulda Clark
pute si citi în urmatoarele carti:
"Vindecarea tuturor
"Vindecarea tuturor
formelor de cancer"
"Vindecarea tuturor
formelor de cancer avansat"
tensiune pulsanta pozitiva aplicata oriunde pe corp atrage obiecte incarcate
negativ, cum ar fii bacteriile. Poate ca tensiunea bacteriei le aplica un soc,
scotandu-le din locurile lor prin canale de intrare a celulelor, denumite
canale conductoare. Dar canalele pot si ele fi incarcate negativ. Ce poate face
o tensiune pozitiva pentru a distruge un parazit mare, cum este trematodul? Tensiunea
pozitiva pulsatorie interfereaza cu fluxul de electroni
generat in procese metabolice cheie si indreapta molecula de ATP si nu-i
permite sa se dezmembreze.
Cea mai importanta intrebare este daca exista sau nu, un efect daunator
asupra dumneavoastra. Dr Hulda Clark nu a remarcat niciun efect asupra
tensiunii arteriale, a activitatii mentale sau a temperaturii corpului. Nu a
produs niciodata durere, desi deseori a stopat-o instantaneu. Acest lucru nu-i
dovedeste siguranta si nici faptul ca stiti ca sursa curentului este o mica
baterie de 9 volti, desi este linistitor. Aglutinarea hematiilor, agregarea
plachetelor si functiile care depind de sarcina electrica de pe suprafata
celulei trebuie investigate.
dumneavoastra este data de perioada scurta de expunere care este necesara.
Virusii si bacteriile dispar in 3 minute, stadiile afectate ale teniilor, ale
trematodelor si ale ascarizilor in 5 minute, iar capusele in 7 minute. Nu este
nevoie sa depasiti acest interval de timp, desi nu au fost
observate efecte daunatoare pentru niciun alt interval de timp, oricat de mare,
al tratamentului. Primele 10 minute de tratament zapping sunt
urmate de o intrerupere care dureaza de la 20 pana la 30 de minute. In acest
timp, bacteriile si virusii sunt eliberati din parazitii muribunzi si incep sa
va invadeze. Cea de-a doua sedinta de 10 minute este destinata distrugerii
acestor virusi si bacterii. Daca sariti peste ea, v-ati putea imbolnavi,
imediat vi s-ar inflama gatul sau alt organ. Inca o data, din bacteriile
muribunde sunt eliberati virusi. Cea de-a treia sedinta distruge virusi
Generatorul de unde este destul de subtire pentru a fi carat in geanta.
Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii sustine ideea ca parazitii sunt prima problema
in lume. Studiile arata ca o persoana normala detine pana la 900 de grame de
paraziti, iar zapper-ul distruge cu usurinta paraziti, fungi, bacterii si
virusuri. Statisticile medicale arata ca zapper-ul poate distruge cancerul.
Puterea de vindecare a Zapper-ului a ajutat sute de bolnavi pentru a se
recupera dupa boli grave precum cancer, SIDA, malaria, etc.
Aparatul este considerat echipament medical experimental folosit in cure,
tratamente si preventie a unor boli. Cei ce au un aparat
electronic Pacemaker (implant stimulator cardiac) incorporat sau femeile
gravide nu pot utiliza aparatul!! Consultati medicul specialist inainte de a incerca sa folositi aparatul in
scop medical. Acest aparat genereaza o frecventa cuprinsa intre 30000 Hz
folosind o baterie de 9 volti.
Tensiune constanta
Sunt suficienti doar cei 9 volti pentru a activa globulele albe din sange
si pentru a elimina toxinele din celule.
La vedere microscopica se pot vedea viermi intestinali omorati cu ajutorul
Ceea ce multe cercetari au descoperit ,insa pe cai diferite, este ca
intensitatea mica a curentului elimina parazitii si distruge virusii. Astfel
cercetarile atesta urmatoarele:
1. Toti oamenii sufera de cel putin un parazit de-a lungul vietii.
2. Parazitii sunt incarcati pozitiv, toxinele, de asemenea si tesutul
3. Curentul de intensitate mica ce trece prin organism distruge parazitii
inversandu-le polaritatea. Ioni negativi sunt adaugati pentru a incuraja
tesutul bolnav sa se vindece- tesutul sanatos este incarcat negativ. Parazitii
nu pot sa-si apere polaritatea pozitiva ( lipsa de electroni) vis-a-vis de
curentul ce traverseaza corpul si de aceea sunt distrusi foarte repede.
Datorita zapper-ului nu numai ca parazitii sunt usor distrusi, dar sunt
dezintegrati astfel incat pot fii asimitali ca si nutrienti inofensivi sau
eliminati. Virusii, fungii, paraziti in chisturi cu exoschelet(ca si viermii in
tesuturile periferice) vor fii distrusi mai greu, intr-o perioada de timp mai
indelungata si odata cu inceperea tratamentului se curata sangele impreuna cu
lichidul limfatic, tractele organelor, sistemul digestiv in intregime, stomacsi
intestine, creierul si sistemul nervos in intregime, astfel sistemul imunitar
capatandu-si forta maxima.
Care este efectul terapiei Zapper asupra organismului?
1. Taieturi, zgarieturi, rani, infectii se vindeca repede. 2. Elimina repede infectiile sinusurilor. 3. Elimina repede durerea(chiar si cea cronica). 4. Raceala si gripa sunt starpite. 5. Imbunatateste claritatea mentala. 6. Imbunatateste somnul (multa mai odihnitor). 7. Stopeaza ulcerul. 8. Negii se micsorea si dispar. 9. Tumorile dispar. 10. Candida si Yeast sunt rapid distruse. 11. Pigmentul pielii este imbunatatit. 12. Ajuta la eliminarea metalelor grele si a toxinelor din organism. 13. Stabilizeaza pH-ul in numai cateva zile (din pH in pH bazic). 14. Acneea dispare in timp scurt. 15. Psoriazis dispare in sase saptamani. 16. Disparitia migrenelor. 17. Stopeaza senzatia de mancarime chiar si dupa intepaturile de tantar sau
purice. 18. Herpesul dispare in aceeasi zi. 19. Scabia este eliminata intr-o singura zi. 20. Stopeaza aparitia matretii. 21. Mai buna mobilitate a incheieturilor.
Curentul zapper-ului nu patrunde in globul ocular, in testicule, sau in
continutul intestinal. Nu ajunge nici in pietrele din vezica biliara, sau in
celulele vii unde persista sub forma latenta virusul herpes sau unde isi
intinde teritoriul Candida. Pentru a patrunde in profunzime, tratamentul cu
dispozitivul Zapper trebuie sustinut de programul antiparazitar cu plante
Cum pot stii ca functioneaza? Daca LED-ul nu se aprinde in momentul in care este activate cu ajutorul
intrerupatorului , inlocuiti bateria .
Viata bateriei O baterie alkalina rezista la 100 de ore atasata la Zapper, iar una
nealkalian rezista si pana ala 40 de ore.
Metoda de utilizare
Electrozii trebuie sa fie
in contact direct cu pielea .
Electrozii trebuie
acoperiti cu un strat apa pentru a facilita transmiterea de pulsuri si
imbunatatirea performantelor .
Lumina rosie a aparatului
se aprinde (daca nu este aprinsa, se verifica daca aparatul are o baterie
de 9V buna).
Zappari timp de 10
minute, dupa care închideti aparatul.
Pauza de 20 de minute.
Repetati procedura pentru
alte 10 minute, dupa care faceti iar o pauza 20 de minute.
Înca o data. A treia
oara, zappare 10 minute si pauza 20 de minute.
Nu uitati sa opriti
aparatul atunci când nu îl folositi, pentru a economisi bateria.
Pentru a schimba bateria, se deschide capacul aparatului cu o
surubelnita cruce .
Nu se utilizeaza de catre cei cu probleme cardiace, femei gravide si
copii cu vârsta de sub opt ani!
Detalii tehnice(realizate dupa schema original?? a Dr. Hulda Clark si
imbunatatita de firma reputabila ISO 9001 din Africa
de Sud .
Putere: 9V DC baterie Frecventa: 50 000 Hz Electrozi: inox Indicatii de utilizare: LED Pornire/oprire: Buton Durata de functionare cu o baterie: 200 de sesiuni Garan??ie: 12 luni
Dimensiunile sunt similare unei cutii
de chibrite si este impachetat intr-o punguta protectoare.
Este un pret accesibil comparind cele parcticate la
medicamentele dedicate bolilor
specificate in actiunea de vindecare .Recomandarile Dr.
Hulda Clark nu specifica efecte
secundare la folosirea aparatului Zapper
All parasites and
diseased tissues are positively charged. The zapper introduces negative ions
through the skin and into the body's living tissue, killing the parasites
by reversing their polarity and also helping to heal the diseased tissue.
Healthy tissue is negatively charged.
The zapper's circuitry is
built around a 555 timer integrated circuit which emits a nice, positive offset
square wave of direct current from a nine-volt battery (stepped down to around
4.5volts and 3.5milliamps) at a frequency of about 50,000 times per second.
"Positive offset" is a wave form that has alternating current
characteristics. This may be important in the long run because it won't alter
the body's natural electromagnetic field polarity.
Many researches have
discovered by different paths that very weak electric current eliminates parasites.
Dr. Clark's circuitry, which I use in my zapper, is, I believe, the best design
available. She and Geoff Clark, her son, who is an electronics engineer, had
the benefit of a clinic in which to conduct their research over a period of
years. I also appreciate Dr. Clark's pragmatic approach and her courage in presenting
this information.
I feel confident that parasites
enjoy and thrive on all the vitamins, herbs and minerals that you send in there
to correct the problems that are caused by the same parasites. Why else
would these remedies be "hit or miss" solutions? You're only getting
leftovers. After you start using a zapper, when you eat those expensive herbs,
vitamins, and minerals, I believe that you, instead of your non-paying
passengers, can expect to have their benefits. Parasites can't defend
their positive polarity (shortage of electrons) against the introduction of
simple direct current, however, and they die very quickly in its presence.
Negative ions kill parasites whether they are from electric current,
ozone, or magnets. The zapper seems to
me to be the most efficient delivery method for now.
Parasites not only die when subjected to
electricity, but disintegrate and are easily eliminated or assimilated as
harmless nutrients. In fact, since they got most of the benefit from all the
expensive supplements that you've been eating all these years, this could be
your big nutritional payoff. Viruses and fungi inside the cells, parasites in
cysts, parasites with exoskeletons (like hookworms in the peripheral tissues),
etc., will take longer to kill, but clearing the blood and lymphatic fluids,
major organ ducts, intestinal and stomach lining, brain and central nervous
system, of parasites early on will give your immune system a tremendous,
immediate boost and when the hidden parasites come out of cysts and protected
areas they are in for an unpleasant surprise.
This is only done to
efficiently move the weak current through the skin, which is the body's
capacitor and protects our inside from random electrical charges, like static,
which could otherwise harm us. Dr. Clark states that you can get adequate
results from simply holding an electrode from one battery terminal in one hand
and tapping an electrode from the other battery terminal with the other for ten
minutes, but that the zapper's frequency is simply a more efficient way to get
the current into the body.
The ZAPPER has been
manufactured by Don Croft according to Dr. Hulda Clark's circuit.
Turn it on and put it
against your skin (the STAINLESS STEEL pieces) must be touching bare skin!), under
clothing or under an ace bandage, tennis sweatband, etc., and leave it on as
long as you like.
The success of your
zapping depends mainly on how often you use it and the length of time of the
sessions. We suggest wearing it around the clock for the first month and then
whenever you feel like it after that. I wear a ZAPPER every day for an hour or two because it just
feels good and seems to be making me smarter. Wearing it on the sole of my foot
all night gives me a very restful sleep—maybe because the body focuses on
healing and repair during sleep.
VERY IMPORTANT: For the first few days or so
wear it in a glove or sock at night, against palm or sole, until your pH is
normal again, if it stings on the skin of other parts of your body.. Zapping
apparently alkalizes the body to its proper pH after the bulk of parasites
in the blood are killed. In most cases this happens within 2 or 3 days, but it
may take longer depending on the toxicity of the body. Just MOVE THE ZAPPER
WHEN IT STARTS TO ITCH and don't sleep while zapping on any other body part
EXCEPT ON PALM OR SOLE, until the itching no longer occurs. Only use NON-ABRASIVE
METAL CLEANER, such as Wright's Crème, on the pennies when necessary. After
you've detoxed, the pennies won't look gross any more. If you don't move it
when it stings the acids in your blood will burn a hole or ulcerate the skin.
These days, anyone who
looks up will notice that there are jets flying under 20,000 feet, laying thick
white trails, which slowly spread out instead of fading out. I believe these
are made up of genetically engineered mycoplasma in a kerosene matrix, on which
it feeds and grows until it reaches people's lungs. I also believe that the
intended goal is to reduce the vital energy of the population and create
fabulous wealth for the medical/drug cartel in the process. I'd tracked a huge
increase in diseases such as Fibromyalgia, hepatitis C, multiple
sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc., since the chemtrails
became a regular phenomenon in the skies over all populated areas in early
Do a search on
"chemtrails" for the latest information (be aware that there is a lot of
disinfo about this on the net). This isn't covered in Dr. Clark's books, though
mycoplasma, in its myriad forms in the human body, is easily killed by zapping.
The new chronic illnesses are due to damage to the vital organs, accomplished
by these weapons.
These are some fairly typical (though more
expressive) testimonials I've gotten since introducing the ZAPPER (our only current zapper model), which
has been more successful than previous zapper models in helping the body
eliminate the 'new' chronic illnesses which have become endemic since the
chemtrails started nationwide in early 1999. We came up with this model a
year later. I replied to the first letter to ask if this person knew of
anyone who had Fibromyalgia, since I wanted to track the
effectiveness of ZAPPERs on that illness (Fibromyalgia was suddenly
endemic shortly after the chemtrail program got going full steam). She
replied that 'Oh, yes, I had that; too, and now it's gone.' Since then
others have reported that their Fibromyalgia was eliminated cured
by a T. Before the T.
new sicknesses are actually more of a problem now. A half million unexplained
deaths per year since the inception of the chemtrails program in 1999 and
oversized obituary columns in local newspapers since then are evidence of that.
Your own uncharacteristic lethargy and persistent 'flu' in recent years is
another evidence, if you live in N. America, Europe, Korea, Japan, China, the
Middle East, India/Pakistan, Australia/NZ, or any urban area in South America.
Only Africa, Central America and Southeast Asia
have been exempted by this unbelievably massive, UN-sponsored biological
warfare program
your chronic condition doesn't respond quickly from zapping, it simply means
that your kidneys, spleen, pancreas and liver are too beaten up to meet the
task of removing toxins from your bloodstream efficiently and when you kill of
the little buggers that are thriving in your body they suddenly release a
volume of poison into the blood, lymph and cerebro-spinal fluid. Only when the
vital organs are in reasonably good working order will these toxins be cycled
out of the body expeditiously.
the chemtrail program's biological/radiological/chemical warfare components
have been neutralized since the late spring of 2002, when the number of
orgonite cloudbusters in the assaulted countries reached critical mass. The
many millions of people who are still sick from those incessant attacks,
though, do require some extraordinary help in recovering the function of their
vital organs and many of these chronic sufferers, including children, are still
Just wanted to let you know that I dearly love my ZAPPER.
My Fibromyalgia seems to have gone into remission, but the greatest
blessing is the energy I have. I've had CFS for years, and I've
been too weak and tired to get a full load of dishes into the dishwasher
at one standing. But the other day, I did a 12-hour "white
tornado" number in the house, lifting and carting big bags of trash
to the curb--a complete impossibility for me before--applying lots of
elbow grease in the bathrooms and kitchen, etc. I held up great! The only
bad thing I did was expose myself to noxious cleaning chemicals for three
hours, for which I paid with a grand headache. But even after all
that work, my body still felt energized.
I have wanted to leave my
body for a long time, because it has not been a pleasant place to be. But I
find myself now sitting in it, thinking, "It feels great to have a body to
be in." Even when my muscles were sore from all that housework, I felt
glad to be alive. I know it's this ZAPPER. It's AWESOME! Oh, and my sister just
reported to me on her experiences with her ZAPPER, which she just got. She's
been a Fibromyalgia sufferer for more than a decade, and over the last
three months she's had this extremely painful place on her arm (the doctors
told her it was "tennis elbow") that has not responded to anything,
not even morphine. I heard from her this morning and she said, after 24 hours
with the ZAPPER, the pain had diminished 80%! And she's an extremely skeptical
sort. She was happily floored.
I had ordered a zapper from one of your distributors
almost a month ago and my health has gotten dramatically better! I thought
I better let you know how things are going and give you an update. I've
noticed so many improvements that I hardly know where to start! I'll try
list them out and make sense at the same time. Just for the record, I'm 41
and female. My sinuses cleared up with a "ping" and a
"whoosh" right at the 20 minute mark the first time I wore the
zapper. That alone was worth the price of the unit! I haven't been able to
breathe out of both nostrils for over 20 years! But wait! There's more! I've
had warts and skin tags just fall off - no scars, no pain, nothing! My
body doesn't smell "funky" when I wake up in the morning
anymore. The chronic yeast infections I've suffered from for over a decade
are GONE! My belly button is clear (not constantly yeasty or raw despite
medications, cleaning, etc), my tongue isn't coated with a thick white
layer of yuck like it always was, and best of all, my reproductive system
is functioning normally again (for the first time in my life). My last
period was only 3 pain free days (instead of the usual week of heavy
clotting and cramps) and no PMS! Sorry - I know that's probably
more information than you probably wanted, but I thought this might help
some other poor woman who suffers every month like I did.
have no more acne, zits, bumps, cysts, or sores of any kind, any where, any
more! My face is clean and fresh looking (this is a BIG deal for me!) And I
sleep solid the whole night through. Ever since I've started wearing the
zapper, I've experienced some very interesting dreams, by the way. My food and
caffeine cravings have disappeared. My gums aren't swollen or bleeding anymore.
I have several crowns that I must be allergic to, but even the swelling and
tenderness around those fake teeth have gone away.
finally, the main reason I bought the zapper in the first place, was to get rid
of the Hepatitis C virus I've carried around for approximately 16 years.
I've worn it no less than 22 hours a day, 7 days a week since the evening of
October 3rd, 2002 (with the exception of one weekend, see below). So far I've
noticed that my energy has come back where I was always tired before. My eyes
are clear and WHITE where they used to be yellowish and bloodshot all the time!
I will have myself retested for the virus and get a viral load this Friday, the
1st of November. The viral load test will tell you how much of the virus is in
your blood per ml. The last test I had done was back in March and my viral load
was over 3 million. As soon as the results come back, I'll email you to let you
know. My hope is that the results will be "virus not detected" but I
will still be happy if the viral load is cut in half. At least that means the
zapper is getting rid of it.
wanted to order 7 more units for my friends and family. My mother is a Type II
diabetic and suffers from high blood pressure. She also has severe,
crippling arthritis in both hands and feet, name it. I did
loan the zapper to her over a weekend and she wore it in a sock, on her hand,
overnight. She called me the next day so excited, she could hardly talk! She
said that the swelling in her hand was down, it didn't hurt, and she could make
a fist! My mother hadn't been able to do that or pick anything up with that
hand for over 5 years! I know that she will feel so much better with your
O zi plina-ochi de pace, va ureaza tot ceva doriti in viata.. Doresc ca fiecare sa poata posta liber cu conditia pastrari bunului simt si fara postari xenofobe si rasiste. Cu totii suntem copii Divinitatii.
Cum ati aflat ca bacteriile si virusii sunt incarcati negativ si cu ce, apa, paie, aer, ce e aia incarcare negativa?
RăspundețiȘtergereSi pentru ca nu sunteti suficiet de convingatori si nici cinstiti, am sa va fac antireclama sa stie toata lumea ca doar banul va intereseaza